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Successful team building: one for all and all for one

We run dozens of team building activities, including games, and Office Trivia is one of them Activity: Office Trivia

For: Team Bonding

What we'll need: 20-25 trivia questions about our workplace

Instructions: Come up with a number of questions specific to your workplace and test your team recruiters and how observant they are. "What color are the kitchen tiles?" "How many people are in the IT department?" "How many doors does the entire office have?" "How many seconds does it take for the elevator to go up to our office floor? " "What month of the year is most common for birthdays among our employees?" You might go further and make it more client-focused or candidate-focused with the following questions: "How large is company ABC?" "How many Project Managers did we place last year?" "What technology is most common for Developers we placed this year?" "Is the technology any different this year?"

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